We are seeing that durability is a hot concept gaining momentum everywhere.
Our attention is on how we can develop a cookware collection that is made...
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At La Termoplastic F.B.M. we are always proposing new and exciting handles for your pots and pan offering innovative solutions that meet emerging...
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If you need to launch a large production run of kitchen pots or pans, make sure that your manufacturing partner has these features in place. They are...
Read more »La Termoplastic®, F.B.M.® and other product names are an exclusive property of LA TERMOPLASTIC F.B.M. S.R.L.
LA TERMOPLASTIC F.B.M. S.R.L. Società Unipersonale - REA n. 96748 C.C.I.A.A. - Varese - R.I. Varese C.F. - P.IVA 00302610126 - Capitale Sociale euro 300.000,00 INT. VERS.
Subject to the direction and coordination of F.B.M. HOLDING S.R.L.