Cooking is a creative activity that allows us to experiment with various pots and pans to create delicious dishes to share with family and friends....
Read more »Sustainable cookware Corporate Brand
F.B.M. operates on a firm foundation of ethics and love for our environment. Responsibility has been lived and practiced since our earliest days and...
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La Termoplastic F.B.M. has been active in the cookware business for 58 years. Our Purpose is to "innovate and evolve responsibly to increase the...
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La Termoplastic F.B.M. Brazil is one of the crucial branches of our cookware accessories production and distribution and is now celebrating its 20th...
Read more »La Termoplastic®, F.B.M.® and other product names are an exclusive property of LA TERMOPLASTIC F.B.M. S.R.L.
LA TERMOPLASTIC F.B.M. S.R.L. Società Unipersonale - REA n. 96748 C.C.I.A.A. - Varese - R.I. Varese C.F. - P.IVA 00302610126 - Capitale Sociale euro 300.000,00 INT. VERS.
Subject to the direction and coordination of F.B.M. HOLDING S.R.L.